my birthday: 13 December 1997 Loves: music, cows, drawing ..etc
bold underlined strikeout

Dudes, I haven't blogged for more than a month. It's just that the amount of homework gets larger each week, that sucks. Lots of things have happened this past month. Kasey's eighteen, and so is Michelle. I cut my hair and fringe. There's a ss project which is actually already due. And although many other things have happened, I want to blog about the past two weeks. My dad went to America to check out a few things back at "home". I've never really stayed there, but, well, you get the point. My brother, Kevin is suspected to have that H1N1 thing. They say that the H1N1 has already mutated, i didn't know. Anyways, when my dad left, he said that he'd be gone for 10 days and we have that long to go through our clothes, toys (general term), and , and i quote "junk". Hah. We're going to give whatever that is, to charity. And even though we have loads of boxes of toys we had when we were babies and toddlers, we still have a loads of "junk". Well, I've blogged. Will blog soon. ..rawr?


230 for PSLE
My OWN puppy
My OWN calf

Jerusha...I found you haha
Class blog 6.3

May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010

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