my birthday: 13 December 1997 Loves: music, cows, drawing ..etc
bold underlined strikeout

You'll never know till you try(:

Le Ann and I met up at my mom's nail salon and we went shopping, lol. I got a massage from Auntie Jenny and fell asleep, just woke up, hungry, haha. I still got work to do, i'm dead. -I RAWRED

i'm coooool yo
-Sage Mich:P Haha

Hey people. I still don't have the photos even though Mich said she'll give them to me, haha. But if you want to see SOME of the photos we took, (hasn't uploaded all, compared to the rest of the photos, really little! But we took gazillions!), you can go to HER blog here: Michelle's blog <---click on that(: Oh you know the pose we keep doing with the heart, that's our thing, teehee. She just changed her MSN name a few minutes ago to "I am sage Michelle. The wise one." haha. I told her that sages are old :P and she said "haha but they are smart, wise and learned" then i said "learned?" then she replied with this "gain or acquire knowledge of or skill in (something) by study, experience, or being taught " I wonder which dictionary she got that one out of. Lol:) Yes, Michelle, you are oh SO smart, i agree! -----> Seriously(: She told me she gave her other friend these wise words online "Don't let whatever others think get to you. This is a battle between yourself and your confidence." and that's why she changed her name! Oh! I'm going to quote 1 more thing she said "i'm coooool yo" lol. Yup she's cool alright. Mich you better gimme photos sooner. -I RAWRED P.S. Yes Jerusha, i am lazy and yes Jerusha i have messenger... is this all too surprising? :P

Yo DUDESSSSS!! I came back from Bali on Sat and no one told me there was no school this week... LUCKILY, Gillian SMS me Sun morning.. My dad was angry because my brother said he planned something but 1 of my sister's were sick and the other had just left for camp the night before so my brother didn't tell us there was NO plan and he got angry. He said words like "It's okay, really! It's okay! I know you guys have been thinking about this all day, it's just that you left it to somebody else to do, it's okay." It made me sad knowing he was so obviously mad. I made him a card that evening because we had just come back the day before and i thought it was really pretty, i might post a picture of it soon. Speaking of pictures, we took gazillions of photos and i'm going to put it up once i get it on the disc because if you had read my earlier posts, Michelle and Angelica came and my dad said "You know, this trip is not free! You(Angelica) are our official photographer" because Angelica likes taking photos and always has her camera around even when we were IN the sea?/ocean? ----> And it's NOT water proof, lol. On the day we were leaving Bali, at the airport i puked... EW right? Wrong? If you thought in your mind "wrong"... YOUR SICK. lol. JK, JK. It was nasty but thankfully did not get onto my clothes-----> They were new(: I bought pins and stuff for Anabel and Audrey and bought Ashley a birthday gift, even if she has one.... its the thought that counts:P Oh and Tiffany(Youngest sister) has a fever but don't worry, it's not Swine. I just might meet up with Carrie on Thurs and have our last sleepover.... not for forever but until end-of-year, unless she studies with me, Carrie's in Singapore and she's here to stay. Photo's later kay? Ooooh, i almost forgot! I got this bite when we went there and it swelled my whole hand and i had to wear this sling those people with broken arms wear but it got better the last 2 nights we were there, it still hurts when you push it though. We also rode horses on the road, with cars and stuff. More info later. -I RAWRED

Created new gmail account a few days ago. Leaving to Bali/Airport in aprox... 7hrs. It's 12:25AM right now. I need to finish my homework soon because i need to wake up at 5:45AM. My flight is at 9AM. But. Like. Yeah. I've been emailing people and not blogging sorry about that it is just that i haven't had the time. Audrey and I are talking about Bali and stuff. It's going to be cool, not that i'm going with her or anything. Michelle and Angelica are coming with my family and i to Bali. WOOHOO right? My mom says no way can she put KASEY, MICHELLE, ANGELICA together because their big kids... so she mixing them up with us "small kids" gotta go back to getting ready... NOT DONE WITH HOMEWORK!!!!!! Byeeeeeeeee

AHH, i just wasted today. I didn't get anything done! I didn't even leave the room... tomorrow was going to be a fun day out, to a movie and maybe shopping? As in... that was what i was planning but INSTEAD i am going to have to be having tuition and getting 1/3 of my homework done. It would be easier for me to do it if it was 7 worksheets, NOT 7 TEST PAPERS! AHH! Yup! On the bright side, i'm going to BALI and MICHELLE AND ANGELICA are coming with us WOOHOO!-( Well CLOSE to confirmed.. ) BUT... on the OTHER hand, that means i HAVE TO finish all my homework by next Friday cause IF WE DO GO, we'll only be back the DAY BEFORE school reopens. Yeah, there was a change of plans because of that SWINE FLUE but i like Bali so i'm fine. Well it's 12:07 AM now. In other words.. i'm going to get up late tomorrow and slack again. WELL... wish me luck!!!---> i'm gonna need it!

HEYO! Haven't blogged in a while. I started doing my homework yesterday and i found out i might NOT be going Australia but Bali or Thailand instead. Not at all sure though. But if we do go to Bali or Thailand instead, its fine because the only reason i wouldn't be able to go to Australia is because of an outbreak of swine flue. Tons of homework, i don't know is i can finish before we leave on the 12. Tickets booked, but plans may change. Its the 2nd day of June, so its the 2nd OFFICIAL day of the JUNE holidays. Well. UH BAHHH BYE. -I RAWRED


230 for PSLE
My OWN puppy
My OWN calf

Jerusha...I found you haha
Class blog 6.3

May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
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October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010

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